German Ch. Cornlands Continental Star is a nephew of German Ch. Cornlands Rupertbear. Mrs. Peggy Rae had a clear idea of what she wanted in labradors. She stuck to her own line but often used the method to outcross.
German Ch. Cornlands Continental Star’s mother is Cornlands Lady Gemini, a litter sister of German Ch. Cornlands Rupertbear. He resembles his sire Money Spinner For Cornlands, who is Trenow bred. Star had a fine character and was a fairly sensitive dog, who was a patient playmate of Ranger Tom aus Luehlsbusch and Cornlands Chiffchaff.
He concluded his show career at the EURODOGSHOW in Kortrijk, Belgium, on November 16, 2003. Where his life as a show dog commenced in 1995, it turned full circle in 2003. In his final show German Ch. Cornlands Continental Star was 2nd in his class and was awarded an “Excellent”.
In Summer 2005 German Ch. Cornlands Continental Star went on a farewell tour as a show dog through England, his native country. He visited his friends and favourite places on the island. He found it difficult to say goodbye. Star was exhibited a last time at the Championship Show of the United Retriever Club in the Malverns. There he was entered in the veteran class. We are happy that he concluded his show career with a first prize before he became a full pensioner.
Gundog Trials : Jagdeignungsprüfung(JEP)
Shows (FCI): 11 CAC , 5 CAC (Res) . 3CACIB , 4CACIB (Res.)