Ranger Tom Aus Luehlsbusch
21/04/2000 – 18/06/2010
Ranger Tom aus Luehlsbusch was a chocolate labrador. He had the stamina and determination to be an ecxellent hunting dog. Ranger Tom was first exhibited at the Eurodogshow in Kortrijk/Belgium in November 2000. He was best puppy of breed and best puppy in show 4. In his lifetime he was successfully exhibited in England, Wales, Begium, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Germany. This faithful companion became German Veteran Champion in 2008.
On January 31, 2004 Ranger Tom aus Luehlsbusch and Cornlands Chiffchaff were exhibited at the International Dogshow in Eindhoven/ Netherlands where both boys won their classes. Chiffchaff was best Junior Dog. Ranger Tom won the Open Class and was awarded a CACIB (Res.) and a CAC (Res.).
Ranger Tom aus Luehlsbusch was awarded a CAC (Res) at the Rostock International Dogshow 2004. At the Bundessieger Show in Dortmund he won the third prize in his class.
In February 2001 Ranger Tom aus Luehlsbusch was LABRADOR OF THE WEEK. Thanks to Mr Erling Skotner for this honour!